Corporate Renewal & Turnaround Services

Baker Tilly works with companies to design and execute a comprehensive turnaround plan to help mitigate risk and improve operations during an economic downturn. We offer our experience, skills, and necessary insights to mitigate your performance challenges and uncertain environment.
Many triggers lead a company into distress. A recent example is the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, which caused the global economies including that of Jordan to stop its growth, and immediately led to Jordanian people to lose their jobs. This caused significant strain on companies to survive having to deal with a daily barrages of negative amidst trying to keep their employees and customers safe. Companies had to deal with:
Baker Tilly breaks down the issues into clear tasks and focuses. We do not wait to execute the perfect plan, but an immediate one that considers the most important matters. Our approach is summarized in:

13 Week Cash Flow Analysis

We believe that cash is king and with that being at the heart of the turnaround plan, we help you assemble a cash flow position as a matter of urgency.

Assess Team

We will work with you to assess whether the right internal skill sets to execute and augment the plan is available.

Drafting a Plan

We will formulate a plan to serve multiple purposes and support discussions with boards, lenders, investors, and management. Based on this plan, we will develop workable forecasts.

Financing Request

We combine all findings from the first three stages to bring in additional financing or negotiate modifications to existing facilities terms.

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Baker Tilly Jordan, the independent member of Baker Tilly International is a proactive Consulting Firm of highly professional and certified consultants working out of Amman Jordan.

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22 Summaya Bint Al Hasan  Street, Floor # 2 - Office # 205, Al Rounaq

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P. O. Box 17194, Amman 11195 Jordan

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