
Baker Tilly and Baker Tilly International refer to the global network of member firms of Baker Tilly International Limited, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity. Baker Tilly International, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. Services are delivered regionally and nationally by the member firms of the Baker Tilly network.

Baker Tilly member firms are not members of one international partnership or otherwise legal partners with each other, nor is any one firm responsible for the services or activities of any other. Although some firms carry the Baker Tilly name, there is no common ownership among the firms or by Baker Tilly International Limited.

Each member firm is organized under the laws of the territory in which it practices. Each firm is committed to achieving the highest level of quality within its respective marketplace and to striving for consistency in service quality and delivery across the globe by co-operating with other members of the network. However, in most parts of the world, the practice of accounting and auditing is governed by local laws and regulations which determine professional standards, qualifications and relationships between audit professionals and reporting entities, and it is influenced by local business practices and cultural attitudes.

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Baker Tilly Jordan, the independent member of Baker Tilly International is a proactive Consulting Firm of highly professional and certified consultants working out of Amman Jordan.

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22 Summaya Bint Al Hasan  Street, Floor # 2 - Office # 205, Al Rounaq

Mailing Address

P. O. Box 17194, Amman 11195 Jordan

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